Materials list


The best art supply store on the island of Oahu is Hawaiian Graphics. They have everything you need except for the Nitram charcoal sticks. Nitram charcoal sticks can be purchased from Zwick Academy of Fine Art on the first day of class or found online at




-HB drawing pencil

-Kneaded eraser

-8.5x11” or larger white sketchbook

-Nitram brand charcoal sticks. B, HB, and H

-White chalk conte pencil. (the brand “Conte a Paris” is the one I would recommend. It looks like an orange pencil with a white led)

-Toned gray paper. Start with just one sheet

            Canson pastel paper, #343 pearl

            98LB, 19.5x25.5”

-Masking tape

-Comfortable shoes